Selasa, 18 Oktober 2016

Summary of General Discussion about Bonded Logistic Center

 Speaker : Ir. Widiyanto, ASCM CSLP
                 (GM Logistic Operation and Distribution PT. Agility International)

What is Bonded Logistic Center?

A. Introduction

  As part of the economic stimulus package introduced by the government last September aimed at boosting the country's economy, the government issued Government Regulation No. 85 of 2015 which amends Government Regulation No. 32 of 2009 on Bonded Storage Places ("Regulation 85"). Regulation 85 introduces the concept of Bonded Logistic Centers (Pusat Logistik Berikat) as one type of Bonded Storage Place (Tempat Penimbunan Berikat) in Indonesia. A Bonded Storage Place is basically a building, site or area that meets certain requirements which is used to store goods for certain purposes and obtains import duty postponement.

It is expected that the introduction of the Bonded Logistic Center would encourage investment in the manufacturing sector in Indonesia because these centers would facilitate the flow of basic materials. 

B. Implementation of Bonded Logistic Center In Company

> PT. Agility Indonesia

Image result for pt agility logistics indonesia

  • The operation of a Bonded Logistic Center is carried out by a Bonded Logistic Center operator having the status of an Indonesian legal entity and domiciled in Indonesia. 
  • In one Bonded Logistic Center, one or more businesses may be conducted.

   Agility builds durable, efficient supply chains that power businesses and drive trade, creating access to new opportunities. Today, Agility is one of the world’s largest integrated logistics providers with more than 22,000 employees and operations in 100 countries.

  Agility has two main lines of business. Through our Global Integrated Logistics (GIL) business, we work with companies in diverse industries and markets to move, manage, and distribute the goods that underpin global commerce. Through our Infrastructure portfolio of companies, we provide logistics-related services in emerging markets that facilitate trade and create access to new opportunities.

   Agility Global Integrated Logistics (GIL) provides supply chain solutions to meet traditional and complex customer needs. GIL offers air, ocean and road freight forwarding, warehousing, distribution, and specialized services in project logistics, chemical logistics, fairs and events. 

C. Conclusion

  The introduction of a regulatory framework for Bonded Logistic Centers in Indonesia is crucial to reducing logistics costs in Indonesia, which have long been among the highest in the region due to poor transportation infrastructure. Businesses will likely welcome this breakthrough as companies setting up operations in Bonded Logistics Centers may enjoy a number of taxation facilities, and they will be allowed to postpone import duty payment and be more effective and efficient.

Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

Distribution Management "Old Distribution Channel"

What is Old Distribution Channel?

A. Distribution

Distribusi adalah suatu proses penyampaian barang atau jasa dari produsen ke konsumen dan para pemakai, sewaktu dan dimana barang atau jasa tersebut diperlukan. Proses distribusi tersebut pada dasarnya menciptakan faedah (utility) waktu, tempat, dan pengalihan hak milik.

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B. Old Distribution Channel

Menurut Warren J Keegan (2003), Saluran Distribusi adalah saluran yang digunakan oleh produsen untuk menyalurkan barang tersebut dari produsen sampai ke konsumen atau pemakai industri.

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C. Functions of Old Distribution Channel

  • To manage finance
  • To make the process of distribution easy
  • Promotional Activities
  • Helpful in communication
  • Matching of demand and supply

D. Purpose Of Old Distribution Channel

Tujuan saluran distribusi adalah untuk mencapai pasar  tertentu dengan cara-cara yang efektif dan efisien. Jadi pasar merupakan tujuan akhir dari kegiatan saluran distribusi pada setiap perusahaan

E. Importance Of Old Distribution Channel

  • Distribution channel is an important element of the marketing mix of a company and other elements are closely interrelated like pricing, promotion, place, and product.
  • It enables to cut down costs and maximize sales revenue
  • It determines where and when the product will be available to ultimate costumers or users
  • Fluctuations in the production can be reduced due to continuous and effective distribution

F. Characteristics or Elements Of Old Distribution Channel

  • Route or pathway : channel of distribution is a route or pathway through which goods and services flow from the manufacturers to consumers.
  • Flow : the flow of goods and services is smooth and sequintal and usually unidirectional.
  • Composition : it’s composed of intermediaries, such as wholesalers, retailers, agents, distributors etc, also called middlemen who participate in the flow voluntarily.

G. Levels Of Old Distribution Channel

Menurut Phillip Kotler, ada beberapa level saluran distribusi :

  • Producer -> Consumer
  • Producer -> Retailer -> Consumer
  • Producer -> Wholesaler -> Retailer -> Consumer
  • Producer -> Agent -> Wholesaler -> Retailer -> Consumer

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H. Factors of Old Distribution Channel

  • Producer
  • Product
  • Intermediaries
  • Management System

I. Problems of Old Distribution Channel

  • Adjusment to buyer’s needs and expectations
  • Determining the best channel alternatives
  • Determining distribution intensity

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J. Types of Old Distribution Channel

  • Traditional Channel
  • Modern Channel

>Traditional Channel

Saluran distribusi tradisional adalah tempat pengiriman dan distribusi barang melalui cara tradisional atau konvensional.

Contoh :

  • Warung adalah outlet yang kegiatan utamanya menjual dalam bentuk eceran. Outlet ini turut berperan dalam menjual dan promosi suatu produk ke konsumen langsung.

Image result for warung

  • Rombong atau Gerobak adalah outlet yang kegiatan utamanya menjual dalam bentuk eceran. Produk yang dipasarkan melalui retailer ini contohnya seperti es krim, roti.

Image result for gerobak sari roti

  • Pasar tradisional adalah pasar yang dibangun dan dikelola oleh pemerintah, swasta, koperasi dan swadaya masyarakat setempat  dengan tempat usaha berupa toko, kios, dan tenda.

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>Modern Channel

Saluran distribusi modern adalah tempat pengiriman / saluran distribusi barang melalui toko modern, dengan manajemen ritel yang diimplementasikan ke dalam sistem  self-service (swalayan).

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With old distribution channel, the distribution of goods and services become shorter and easier with effective and efficient ways.