Minggu, 27 November 2016

Summary of Public Seminar Himpunan Mahasiswa Logistik STMT Trisakti "The Readiness of Indonesia To Realize Infrastructure & Distribution Urban Logistics"

Speaker : Pak Setijadi, ST, MT. (Chairman of Supply Chain Indonesia)

What is Urban Logistics ?


Logistics is the part of supply chain management that plans, implements, and control the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, servuices, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers's requirements.

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Basically, Urban Logistics referring to logistics national systems, the government issued blueprints Perpres No. 26 tahun 2012 about the development of SISLOGNAS. 

Urban logistics talking about the logistics system is a part in the supply chain involving transport, distribution, and warehousing in the big cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, and Makassar. Urban Logistics is not just talking about the movement of goods, but also talking about the movement of money and informations too.

B. Our Discussion about Urban Logistics

> Urban Logistics viewed from two aspects 

  • Storage
  • Delivery/Distribution

Inequality logistics in Indonesia in terms of PDB. Western part of Indonesia's PDB 82% and 18% of eastern Indonesia. If viewed in terms of logistics costs, logistics fees to the eastern part of the more expensive Because the ship from the east often a vacancy occurs.

>Characteristic of Urban Logistics 

  • The products is various
  • Punctuality of time 
  • Destination of goods is wide
  • Manage both of raw material and finished goods
  • Business to consumer directly

>Purpose of Urban Logistics

To improving flow quality of goods and people in urban cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, and Makassar to be more effective and efficient.

>Institutions who have responsibility in Urban Logistics
  • Retailers
  • Government

Image result for urban logistic

>Main problems in Urban Logistics

  • Infrastructure
  • Traffic jam

>Stake holders of Urban Logistics system

  •  Shipper
  •  Freight Carries
  •  Administration
  •  Residential

In Conclusion, with Urban Logistics, the system of logistics in Indonesia can be more effective and efficient to support the development of economic and global markets.